Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you all got to enjoy some time together with your kids and especially while we had a little bit of sun! Spring is here and I want to remind everyone to encourage your kids to take on a few more things....I still see a lot of parents doing things for students that they do not need help with. Your child is responsible and capable. Allow them to show you this by trusting them to take care of things like hanging up their backpacks, putting lunches and water bottles away, gathering papers etc...it will take some tasks off your plate and gives them a chance to shine in their independence!
We will be really reviewing school expectations and students can be expected to be tired after school as they adjust back to the routines. Please help your child remember to be safe, respectful and responsible. We give brief reminders such as "hands safe, kind words", and you can talk to your child about what these rules look and feel like in various settings - what does safe look like in the cafeteria? The bathroom? etc...